Frequently Asked Questions

What is Compulsive Eaters Anonymous H.O.W.?
CEA-H.O.W. is a fellowship of men and women who are recovering from compulsive eating. Founded upon the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous' Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, CEA-HOW is a 12-Step program for people who cannot control their eating. We come together to share our experience, strength, and hope with one another so that we can solve our common problem and help each other to recover from compulsive eating.
Who are the members of CEA HOW?
Members of CEA HOW come from all walks of life and from all over the world. We include compulsive overeaters, food addicts, anorexics and bulimics, to name a few. Some of us had hundreds of pounds to lose, and some just a few. Others needed to gain weight. Some of us had surgery, lost the weight, and were in the process of gaining it again. Some of us were just obsessed with food. No matter what our reason for coming in the door, we all came to realize that we were powerless over food. It controlled us and made our lives unmanageable.
What is compulsive eating?
Compulsive eating takes many forms. A compulsive eater may overeat, undereat (anorexia), binge eat (binge eating disorder), binge and purge (bulimia), eat all day long, or exercise compulsively to maintain his/her weight.
What are signs of compulsive eating?
  Losing weight over and over (Yo-yo dieting), often gaining back "just a little more" every time.
  Eating normally in public and bingeing in private while under the delusion that people won't know that we overeat.
  Hiding evidence of our compulsive eating from those around us.
  Eating a handful of chips or candy, and then another and another until the entire bag is gone.
  Sitting in front of the television with a half gallon of ice cream.
  Eating sweets even though we are diabetic or pre-diabetic.
  Eating foods high in fat despite having high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, or other serious medical conditions we know are worsened by the way we eat.
  Stopping at one or more fast food restaurants on the way home to eat dinner.
  Pretending to order for more than one person at the drive through.
  Driving across town in the middle of the night to get a favorite binge food.
  Eating leftovers from other people' plates (our kids, spouse, guests).
  Thinking "Why bother?" when offered any of the following portions of food:
  Pizza by the slice - a large pizza is more like it.
  A serving (1/2 cup) of ice cream - a serving is at least a bowl full.
  A cookie - we want the whole bag.
  A piece of cake - we'll eat the leftovers when everybody leaves.
  A bite sized piece of candy - we'll start with a handful of pieces and go from there.
  Wanting to be thin while continuing to eat foods high in calories and low in nutritional value.
  Believing that life will be better once the weight is gone.
  Thinking about food immediately after finishing a meal.
  Saying “I’m not a compulsive eater. I just can’t lose weight.”
As compulsive eaters we obsess about food, we go to any length to get it, and once we start eating, we can't stop. Then we hate ourselves for doing it and swear to never let it happen again, only to start again, perhaps the very next day.
What is "recovery"?
In CEA-HOW members recover on three levels: Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual. On a physical level we find relief from the craving for sugar and carbohydrates and we achieve a healthy body weight. On an emotional level we find relief from the mental obsession with food and the feelings of deprivation that dieting usually brings up. On a spiritual level we come to have faith in and dependence upon a Power greater than ourselves. As we work through the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of CEA-HOW, we find peace and serenity and a design for living that is no longer controlled by food.
What does H.O.W. stand for?
Honesty, Open-mindedness, Willingness.
  Honest with ourselves and with others.
  Open-minded to spiritual matters and to the ideas and concepts of the program.
  Willing to believe in a Power greater than ourselves.
  Willing to go to any length to recover from compulsive eating. 
Do we have a diet?
We have a food plan - a plan that allows us to attain a health body weight, maintain it over time, and stop our mental obsession with food.
How is a food plan different from a diet?
A diet is a temporary way of eating that we endure in order to lose weight. Once we have achieved our goal, we go back to our old habits and return to our original weight. A food plan, on the other hand, is a permanent part of our way of life. Whether we are in the process of losing, gaining, or maintaining our weight, we consider the food plan as only one of several tools that we use in working the CEA HOW Twelve Step Program.
What is the CEA HOW food plan?
The CEA HOW food plan, "Forever Abstinent", is designed for people who have what we think of as an allergy to carbohydrates. Therefore, we abstain from all sugars, flour, and refined starches, as well as alcoholic beverages, sweets of any kind, nuts, and fried foods. We weigh and measure our food, and we eat three meals a day with nothing in between except for sugar free gum and zero calorie beverages.
“Oh, I can’t do that! I don’t have that kind of willpower” you might say. We said the same thing. We don’t have the willpower either. But by consistently using the Seven Tools of CEA HOW, we were able to do it, and we continue to do it one day at a time.
What is abstinence?
Abstinence is:
  Following the food plan as written
  Eating only those foods that are on the food plan
  Not eating between meals
How is CEA HOW different from other food related 12-Step programs like Overeaters Anonymous (OA)?
Structure and discipline. The CEA HOW Concept states: "The CEA-H.O.W. plan of eating, steps, traditions, and tools of recovery are not suggested. Rather, we accept them as requirements for our recovery." Accordingly, we are rigorous in our adherence to the food plan. We use the tools of the program on a daily basis. We communicate daily with with our sponsors, committing to a plan of eating and answering questions designed to take us through the 12 steps of the CEA-HOW program and continue in our recovery.
Why is the CEA HOW program so strict?
We find this structure is what works for us. By using all of the tools of the CEA HOW program on a regular basis, we are able to stay focused on recovery and out of the food.
What are the "Tools" of CEA HOW?
The Seven Tools of Compulsive Eaters Anonymous-HOW are:
  CEA-HOW Abstinence Food Plan
  Literature and Writing
  Telephone calls
Is Compulsive Eaters Anonymous HOW a religious group?
No! The CEA HOW program encourages personal spiritual growth, but it is not limited to or defined by any sect or denomination. There are people from all belief systems in CEA HOW, from the religiously observant to the atheistic.
Does the program really work?
Absolutely! Many of us have had tremendous success. Not only have we shed weight and been able to maintain a healthy weight, but we have also gained serenity and clarity in our lives. The majority of us came to CEA HOW to lose weight - that was our only goal. In the beginning our weight was our primary focus, but we soon came to discover that the CEA HOW Twelve Step program offers so much more!
What if I have only a little weight to lose?
The amount of weight a member needs to lose does not matter - what does matter is that we are compulsive eaters and we need help!
What happens after I've lost the weight?
We continue to follow the CEA-HOW plan of eating, steps, traditions, and tools of recovery. Using a slightly modified food plan, we slowly add food to the extent that allows us to maintain a healthy weight.
What do I have to do to get started?
Come to a meeting, relax and listen. You will not be asked to talk. There will be people (sponsors) available to help you get started and answer any questions you may have. Don't forget - We all started exactly the same way.
What happens at meetings?
You will hear positive sharing from recovering food addicts and compulsive overeaters. They might tell how life used to be and how it has improved through their work with the 12 Steps of CEA HOW. They might share how they handled specific situations using the tools of the program. Or you might learn how it is possible to cope with distressing situations rather than eating over them.
The best way to find out what happens at meetings is to attend a few. There are different types and sizes of meetings, and every meeting covers different aspects of the 12 step program, so we suggest that you attend more than one meeting before deciding whether or not CEA HOW is right for you. After the meeting you will have the opportunity to talk with other members and get more information about the CEA-HOW program.
What is the cost of membership?
There are no dues or fees. However, we are self-supporting so we pass a basket at meetings. If members wish to contribute, they give what they can, often just a dollar or two.
What do I have to buy?
You will need a copy of the "Forever Abstinent". You will also need Alcoholic Anonymous' "The Big Book" and "Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions". Your sponsor will give you reading and writing assignments during your first thirty days of the CEA HOW program that are designed to walk you through the first three steps. You will need these two books to complete those assignments. This material is available for purchase at most meetings. “The Big Book” and “Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions” are also available through on-line resources as well as at A.A. offices and at many used book stores.
Where can I purchase the "Forever Abstinent" food plan?
You can purchase CEA-HOW's food plan through your sponsor at most face-to-face CEA-HOW meetings. If you attend meetings through the phone bridge, then your sponsor can obtain a food plan for you.
Why do I have to go through a sponsor to purchase the "Forever Abstinent" food plan?
We have found through experience that it is imperative that we work with a sponsor and use all of the tools of the program if we are to succeed. If a new member purchases the food plan without the benefit of a sponsor's guidance and use of all of the other tools of the program, they will be simply "doing the diet" - and we all know that diets don't work.